Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Writing Takes Place

What do we need to know about the places we live in order to feel at home? Is it important to feel at home? How can writing help us get there? 

Every one of us lives in a combination of communities we build around ourselves. College students participate in many communities: the communities of their homes, their dorms, their classes, sports, jobs, and clubs. These communities are not just groups of people--they are made up of people, places, situations, and common goals or interests. Being part of a community is an active state; the things you do, say, and think make the community what it is. By understanding the ways we actively shape our surroundings, we gain greater power to affect our worlds in positive ways.

This quarter, you and your classmates will study the communities we live in and work to make these communities successful. One of the ways we'll participate in this community is by publishing our thoughts on related topics via group blogging.