Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Our Perfect Worlds

If it were up to us....

Michael: In my ideal world, football season would be all year round. Not only football season, but football weather too. I would want a big flat yard behind my house so my friends and I can play pick-up football and have fires at night. As for the location goes, I’m perfectly fine living where I do now in Pittsburgh, Pa. Instead of birds chirping, they would be singing J Cole songs. As long as there is a Moe’s, Fiori’s Pizza, Primanti’s and an Outback Steakhouse my appetite will be satisfied.

Julia: When you I think about my idea of “perfect”, I just think of warmth and comfort. The idea of warm air hitting me somewhere beside a beach and the comfort knowing I am surrounded all of my best friends and people important to me. I imagine sitting in the sand with my feet in clear, blue water getting totally caught up in everything around me. There would be no reason to worry, to hurt, to wonder solutions to problems; there would be an overall feeling of peace. In my perfect world, there would be ample amounts of seafood, Chinese food, Panera, and ice cream. Those foods would completely satisfy all of my wants and needs. Other than the warm weather and my favorite kinds of food, I have no other needs. I have no materialistic wants or needs because they would not make me happy. Just some good food, weather, and company is all this girl needs in order to be happy.

Krista: Imaging my dream land in my head, a million different things come to mind. First things first, there would be speakers playing music at ALL times. No exceptions to this. The genre of music would be all types, but rap and R&B being the leaders of it all. In regards to weather, I would have it be fall like weather all year around with a season of winter, forcing us to wear boots and use blankets. There would be a massive lake that covers 50% of the land. Everybody’s transportation would be boats and jet skis. I’ve grown up boating so this is one of the major necessities to my dream land. All resources would be present, such as water, food, shelter, and clean air (but no humidity). My top three restaurants that I would have built are Skyline (Cincinnati thing), Jersey Mikes (another Cincinnati place), and Cheesecake Factory. There would be concerts being played on all Fridays and Saturday, all different types. All of my family members would be with me, that’s the main ingredient to my dream land.

Alexis: In a perfect world I would live in a place with the pride of Pittsburgh but the weather and environment of a tropical island. Everyone seems all around happier in tropic places and I love the spirit Pittsburghers have for sports and their hometown. Everyone would live in similarly sized houses so the amount of money you had wouldn't matter, all that would matter was the sun, friends, and family. Also, Primanti's would have to travel to this tropical place with me... Along with Subway, Max & Ermas, and any and every Italian Restaurant I've ever been to. For entertainment, there would be a stage in the center of our town where there would be concerts by local and famous artists on a daily basis for anyone to enjoy. There would also be plenty of little shopping boutiques with cheap, cute, beach clothing. All of this put together would be the happiest, most carefree environment I could think of!

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