Monday, October 17, 2011

Ohio University Homecoming Weekend

"People felt like they were home again when they get back to town; that feeling is so unique to Athen." "It's a chance for us to celebrate OU's Alumni, these beautiful old buildings and streets-all of these people shaped it." -Dean Of Ohio University Students, Ryan Lombardi

Being the eldest college in Ohio, we've earned 207 successful years worth of celebrating. Homecoming weekend is a special weekend in Athen for faculty, students, and alumni. Not only are we pumping up school spirit for the football game, but we are also welcoming home our very own OU alumni!

This past weekend, the universtiy put together a variety of events and activities to bring the OU community together. OU kicked it off the weekend right, with the studly musician, Mike Posner, on Thursday. The "Yell like Hell" pep rally followed that Friday, where more than 200 alumni and students gathered; Seniors Harrison Hill and Faye Miller were crowned Homecoming King and Queen. "Rock the Block" and hayrides to the ridges were also some other activites that were offered.

Saturday started off bright and early with Kegs and Eggs, followed by the annual Homcoming Parade. With some time to kill, twenty-five alumni couples renewed their vows at the Galbreath Chapel during the "OH I dO" before the bobcat kickoff! Our bobcats came so close to a victory, with a score of 20-23 against Ball State.

Homecoming weekend at Ohio University is a unique tradition and, something you have to experience to understand. We'll see you next year to boggle your mind at the 208th year of Bobcat Homecomings!

Fawle, Sabrina. "Students, Grad Celebrate 207 Years of OU." The Post. 17 Oct. 2011. Web. 17 Oct. 2011.

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