Monday, October 31, 2011

Appalachia in the OU Community

We journeyed back to Whit's Frozen Custard to interview some people about the Appalachia culture. The term Appalachia was familiar, but no one could tell us exactly what if meant. Here is what they said:

"What does living Appalachia mean to you?"

"I am not originally from here I am from New Jersey this is my first year living in Ohio. For me living here as a student I am kinda isolated, outside of Athens there is poverty which is what I associate with Appalachia."

- Christine

"I actually have personal ties to Appalachia my Dad's side is Appalachian."


"I had a teacher one time to say Appalachia like the natives, I never really thought about what it meant before"


"Do you consider yourself Appalachian?"



"Partially Appalachian but technically not because I was born is Wisconsin. But my dad and Grandpa were from Appalachia. I identify myself as German.


"I don't."


"Should there more interaction/connection/communication between the university and the surrounding area?"

"The University has a responsibility to give back to the community. OU Students should be more active with the community."


"I think so a lot of my close friends do not know that Appalachia exist outside of OU. We can not just ignore the surroundings."


"Definitely, it makes me really sad that there are families ten minutes down the road who can not feed their children while restaurant throw whole pizzas out."


The true meaning of being Appalachian is "a bioregion and political unit in the southeastern part of the U.S. state of Ohio characterized by the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains" It was interesting to hear the different points of view, there a commnity outside of campus and we should explore more of the sourrounding area. Overall the experience was eye opening so see what people on campus consider themselves to be.

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