Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cafe Bibliotech

Cafe Bibliotech

When going to Alden library, it is easy to overlook many of the elements that surround you. Many of us go in, sit down, and don't leave until homework or assignments are co
mpleted then we are hurry out to go to another part of our hectic lives. Cafe Bibliotech is one part of Alden that students don't want to miss. Sitting in the front end of the library, the cafe is a cool and warm place to go and have a drink while still being able to complete your work.

The atmosphere here a
t Cafe Bibliotech is what is typically described as "homey," which is what every cafe yearns to have. The vibe that is given off at the cafe is very modern and cozy, making it easy to get work done; but if you're also looking for a place to catch up with a friend and be social, this is a place where that is possible too. Thankfully, the seating in Cafe Bibliotech is large and typically not very crowded since it is located in the library.

The menu in Cafe Bibliotech is very diverse with many options to choose from. With over 30 different drinks alone on the menu itself, there's bound to be something to please everyone. Everything from hot coffee and hot tea, to cold coffees and teas. Not only are there drinks galore but plenty of foods to choose from also. On display near the register are sandwiches, salads, lunch combos, croissants, cookies and much more. If that isn't enough to choose from, there are four vending machines in the rear of the cafe filled with sodas, snacks and make-it-yourself coffees. For the October special, there is a Jack O' Lantern Mocha to get you in the mood for Halloween! For a detailed description of what is on the menu and prices at Cafe Bibliotech, check out the link provided below!

Compared to other coffee shops, this cafe wasn't one that particularly stand out among others in Athens. Don't get me wrong, it is very convenient that it's located in the library, but the menu and atmosphere of this cafe didn't make it particularly extraordinary. For what it's worth though, the service and all other aspects of this cafe were nice. We suggest this cafe to anyone who is looking for a good cup of coffee or tea, so be sure to stop in!

For operating hours at Cafe Biblotech, click on this link!

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