Monday, October 31, 2011

Different Views of Appalachain Living

Q: What does living in Appalachia mean to you?
Person 1: Big trucks, hunting.
Person 2: Slow Pace, small towns where everyone knows eachother. I think of the country.
Person 3: I think of the appalachian mountains and my first vacation which was in the mountains.
Person 4: Good place to get to know people, small towns.
Q2: Do you consider yourself Appalachian and why or why not?
P1: No. Because even though I live here, I only think it applys to a group of people.
P2: I guess, yeah. I guess we have more of a country style living.
P3: Yeah, I've grown up in the country most of my life.
P4: No. because I have more interests than smaller towns have, I'm more of a big city person.
Q3: (Show them the Appalachian area on a map) After being shown the Appalachian area are you surprised?
P1: Yeah I thought it only applied to then Ohio/West Virginia area.
P2: Larger than I thought. I thought it was only in Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia.
P3: I'm surprised how big the area was. I didn't know it was that vast.
P4: I'm surprised of all the places in it, bigger than I thought.
All of these answers for the first two questions are pretty different. But one thing is true, most people don't really know that the Appalachia area actually covers a lot. What they also dont know is that just because Appalachia does have a lot of small town, doesn't mean we dont have big cities in the area as well. Seems like people just don't know much about the Appalachian area they're living in.
Alanta Georgia Appalachian area(pic on the right)
Appalachian area in NY (pic on the left)

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