Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Are we there yet?

My perfect place has a lot of energy. There is always something going on and there's no time to be bored. There would be a beach close by, but still have all the seasons. There would be concerts. I would always be surrounded by music or shows. I want to be able to explore different foods in my perfect place. I want to be able to walk down the street and pass an Indian, Mexican, Italian, and French restaurant, all on the same block.

My perfect place is ideally Washington, D.C. It has everything I need from a job and a fast paced lifestyle. I'd be able to do everything that I want to do after law school. I can't wait to be able to explore this city. 

I wouldn't have a house, though. I would live in an apartment, like a studio. It'd be small, but just enough space for all the necessities. I'd be able to have walk up to the roof on summer nights, just to look at the city. 

I can't wait to be there.

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