Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Where I am headed

One of the biggest decisions we have made so far is if we wanted to attend college and then where we wanted to go to college. Some of us knew right away that we wanted to attend Ohio University. While others looked around at other schools and eventually decided to come here. Eventually we are going to be faced with choosing where we want to live and begin our lives after college. This is also going to be a major decision for us. We discussed where we thought an ideal place to live at would be. We discovered that we all had fairly different answers.

Alex decided that she would want to be close to the beach. She thought that somewhere in California would be nice. She likes being close to a city but not directly inside the city. She wants there to be a wide selection of restaurants and entertainment places. She believes that California has a lot of different things to do than Ohio. She has also visited California before and loves the atmosphere and how beautiful it is. Alex believes there is a lot of diversity in California and she wants her family and kids to be accepting to everyone. She thinks living in California will help in exposing her children to a lot of different lifestyles.

Brooke would also like to live by beach. She thinks that North Carolina or South Carolina would be nice. She wants to live in a more rural area but not to far from a city. She likes hiking and exploring. So she wants to live somewhere it is nice a lot of the time. North Carolina and South Carolina are not as cold as Ohio. She wants her children to be able to have a safe place to be able to go outside and play.

Madison wants to be close to her family. Ideally she wants to live somewhere warm and would love to be by a beach. However, she wants to stay close to home so she is not that far away from her parents and siblings. She thinks that being really far away from them would be hard. Madison hates the ice in Ohio and hates driving in the winter. If she could she would want her parents and everyone to move to a warmer state without much change in the seasons. Just warm all the time. She also does not want to live to far from a city or a mall. She wants there to be a lot of entertainment around where she lives.

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