Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Our Future

Mary's Place: My ideal place to live would be South Carolina. It is located next to the Atlantic Coastline, which I would enjoy because I like going to the ocean and appreciating the view. It also has nice whether, but may get a bit humid at times. The winters there are mild to cool, which I would prefer over freezing cold whether. There are several things to do in South Carolina like going to one out of their many beaches, unique restaurants, shopping, and all types of music entertainment. I have never been to South Carolina, but I believe I would be happy there because of all the things it offers and the relaxing feeling of sitting on a beach.

Lauren's Place: The perfect place for me to live would probably be in Florida. I would want to live there because of all of my family that lives there, and the weather isn't too shabby either. Florida has so many things to offer for me such as the comfort of having my family, the beach, plenty of job oppourtunities and the Florida sun. Also, Florida can have a night life that is so bright and fun or a country scene if I so choose. I could really see my life ending up in florida, I mean, come on, its the sunshine state!

Whitney's Place: My dream place to live is Hawaii. I have always wanted to visit, but to live there would be awesome. I would want to live there because I want to see the beaches, experience the culture, and live somewhere where it is warm. The weather in Hawaii is usually warm. It can get humid, but the trade winds help keep it comfortable. Most houses don't turn on their air conditioners because the breezes are so nice. If I ever move there, I would definitly go to a luau because that is what most people know Hawaii for.

We all have something in common; we want to live on a beach. This is probably because we are sick of Ohio weather changing so much.

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