Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Home Sweet Home

I guess it is customary for people to start thinking about where they are going to live when they get older. However, for me I already have my idea of a “perfect” place to live. That place just so happens to be right here in South Eastern Ohio. It wasn’t until this blog though that I really broke down all the reasons why I love it here so much. So I came up with 4 reasons why this is my Utopia.

1.Privacy/Openness: I can’t imagine myself living somewhere long term, and having to worry about making too much noise or worrying about whether or not my possible future kids will be safe while they play outside. To me it isn’t a necessity for the nearest hospital to be two blocks over, or for there to be a mixing pot worth of culture. In order for me to be happy I need to be in a rural area that is close to my family and that I can call my own.

2.Peace and Quiet: When I imagine living in a city, all I can think of is a constant roar of traffic zooming by my house/apartment. That doesn’t sound appealing to me. For me to be happy I need to be able to go out to my front or back porch and watch the sun make its way toward the horizon with nature creating the ambience for me.

3.Beauty: When it comes to beauty, words can only begin to describe the immense amount of splendor that is available here in this part of the country. There is nothing like admiring how the rolling hills flow across the land and watch them as they transform in color with the changing seasons. Or even the crispness of a clear, cloudless night where there is no outside light and the stars can truly shine bright. But probably one of the most beautiful sights is waking up early in the morning and looking out into the fields and seeing that the animals are healthy and that there is evidence that yesterday’s hard work has actually paid off.

4.Entertainment: When it comes to living in the country you tend to need to come up with some entertainment. Sure, I like to go to movies and go out for dinner and such, but I wouldn’t mind just chilling out and hanging with my family. Not to mention the fact that the closest city is about 30 minutes away so we kind of have to get creative sometimes. Some of the things I like to do are “redneck sledding”, jumping off the diving board, going mud running, and playing some family softball in the front yard.

**A Beach Nearby: The only other place I probably love just as much as this area is a beach. However, I don’t think I would want to live there because of sand getting everywhere, or having to worry about tropical weather. I just want to be able to visit when I have time. So the solution to my problem is that I am willing to travel to surrounding beaches like Myrtle Beach in South Carolina, or even longer distances like Florida.

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